OBESITY & LONG WORKING WORKS!! – Can Summer give you some help?
OBESITY & LONG WORKING WORKS!! – Can Summer give you some help?

Is this your problem too? Fats and Long working hours are synonymous with each other.

We are all in agreement about high work pressure and long lasting “warming up” of our work seats! How to ensure that the “Body as a Temple” achieves its highest or at least balanced sanctity?

Let’s know some facts before we even think of reducing Fatty Fats! According to the American Council on Exercise, most healthy women have about 21% to 35% body fat. For men, it’s more like 8% to 24% body fat. This means one needs to maintain fats at minimum level (As per your preferred Gender!J)

As you read further, we both know that we are far away from the desired number. The ease on COVID regulations has opened up offices and now if you are working in an office, then try to socialize with every known and unknown person in the office. Take quick breaks and purposefully go and talk to people who you don’t know. Well it only will ensure that you have regular “Chip” movements in your body!

Oh okay, you are now a “Work from Home” contender forever, the best is to be Multitasking with your household work and office desk work. This will ensure that you are not sitting at your desk continuously and you also get brownie points at home!

“Best Tip” experiment is to have tiny meals at regular intervals. You have 4 meals a day, I am guessing. Start with a 50% of reduction of what you eat in these meals for the first month and see the improvement. Not just improvement in “temptations of eating” but feeling lighter than earlier.

This lighter mode needs to be coupled in following weeks with your serious ways of “Eating Healthy” and needs you to organize your fridge with following items

Seasonal fruits & vegetables love your body more than what you like for the entire year. Just google what works for summer, monsoon and winter! You are absolutely sorted.


Multi grain concept is gaining great likeness amongst us. It does work! It’s “NO MORE WHEAT”. Your round size “Roti” / Bread (For English lovers J) needs to include a combination of Ragi, Oats, Maize, Chana Dal, Soya bean, Bajra, Jowar. Few flours mix and match will also do! Don’t stress yourself with all ingredients.


Beans and legumes – Love them like chocolates. Eat boiled / soaked Chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans, Peanuts, Black beans, Green peas, Lima beans, Kidney beans, Black-eyed peas, Navy beans.

We are in summer and experts say that summer is best to reduce weight. Try to eat Melons, Mangoes, Salads (including cucumber) for nutrition and health to do more physical activity. Drinks with a combination of Ginger, Mint & Lemon will detoxify you further.

Detoxification is quite handy too these days! Remember our traditional Kadhas! They are good for detoxification if correctly chosen. We would recommend you to try “ORANGE KADHA” for weight loss and let us know your result. It’s just Kaato, Gholo and Peelo in warm water!

Do share with us about your weight loss journey at welcome@fastace.in

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